Resource Hub for Talent Seekers

Additional resources such as videos, podcasts, quizzes and career guides to help you in the development and integration of Competencies for Life into your life as a Talent Seeker.


A guide to the integration of competencies into all aspects of your organization. There are six steps to developing competencies.

Sample Job Descriptions

See examples of job profiles using the Competencies for Life common language.

Substitute Synonym List

Learn how to re-write and update your program or job descriptions using the Competencies for Life.

Social Media Toolkit

A how-to-guide for a 7-part series of posts for the Competencies for Life model on your social media platforms.

Marketing Outreach

Promote the Competencies for Life through Marketing Outreach Articles that can be posted on your LinkedIn or communications platforms

Video Learning

A collection of short videos to help you learn more about the Competencies for Life


Success stories of how the Competencies for Life helped shape individuals’ professional paths

Competency Quizzes

Test your knowledge of the competencies with a short quiz on each competency cluster

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